PMC Active Twenty5i

The Twenty5i series just got even better by offering a true…

Acoustic Energy Corinium

Introducing Acoustic Energy's stunning new flagship…

Hegel H600 & Viking CD

This award-winning integrated amplifier and CD player…

Sonus Faber Duetto

A beautifully designed, no-compromise, premium audio…

Sonus Faber Lumina II Amator

Introducing the new 'luxurious' Lumina II Amator Edition,…

Exposure Electronics

Exciting news as we have added this iconic British audio…

Vinyl Groove Music

Did you know we sell 'new' vinyl records from our Preston…


Introducing the ultimate Rega turntable. Book a demo to…

Nessie Record Cleaning Machines

We have recently added these excellent German 'Nessie…

Lyngdorf Home Trial Promotion

Hear for yourself the impact of RoomPerfect™ in your own…