Sonus Faber Lumina II

These beautiful Italian-made speakers sound just as good as they look.

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Kandace Springs

Check out and listen to the new Kandace Springs album released in 2020, very highly recommended!

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Get That McIntosh Glow!

You can easily identify a McIntosh product from their iconic Blue & Green hues.

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Vinyl Sales Soar In 2021

Another exciting year with vinyl records increasing marketshare again.

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We. by Loewe – Ultra HD LED Streaming TV’s

These newly designed German smart TV's really do stand out from the crowd.

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YouTube Music Video Playlist

Discover some great new music by watching our YouTube playlist.

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Aaron Lee Tajsan – Live

This Americana singer-songwriter is well worth checking out!

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Art Vinyl LP Display Frames

This is a superb way to display and rotate your favourite album covers.

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Vinyl Groove Music

We also sell vinyl records here at our Preston showroom or we can ship nationwide.

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Hegel V10 Wins EISA Award

Outstanding performance with Hegel's very first MM/MC phono stage.

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